March Recap

Life lately
WHAT. A. MONTH. Between Iceland, ApollyCon, quitting my job and starting a new one, it's been a whirlwind these last four weeks. To be honest, my mind is still trying to grasp that Iceland is over so everything else just hasn't caught up to me yet. I did do a weeklong staycation in between gigs which gave me a bit of a much-needed detox but.. I do still feel a bit dazed from it all. That said though, these are all very good things! I'm just a worrier by nature (I'm always like this at the start of a new job) and I like my routines so now it's all about settling in, proving myself and finding my groove.

So because of all that, I'm looking forward to April being a very low-key month. But knowing me, I'm going to start planning or at least thinking about things to do for the warmer months ahead! Planning is my happy place and I'm determined to leave this winter weather behind. (It is over, right?!)

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How's your month been?


  1. Wow! What a month! Good luck with the new job. How exciting! Sustained was my favorite book in that series. I loved the interactions with the kids.

  2. Honestly, how has it been over a year since we were in Iceland together? That trip was so much fun!


with love,
