November Recap

It has been a month! I went to Dallas for work, California for a long weekend, watched Mockingjay, had some much needed lunches and/or dinners with friends. I cleaned. (Cleaning my apartment makes me happy, don't judge.) Plus Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays. November has been a great month. 

Anyway, here's what November has been like on the blog: 

Book Reviews

LOVED / No loves this month!

REALLY LIKED / Pointe by Brandy Colbert, The Fine Art of Pretending by Rachel HarrisNantucket Red by Leila HowlandThe Walled City by Ryan GraudinAlong for the Ride by Sarah DessenA Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray

I LIKED IT / Forbidden by Kimberley Griffiths Little, A Blind Spot for Boys by Justina Chen

IT WAS OKAY / Famous In Love by Rebecca Serle

... Everything Else

BOOKISH / Books IRL, Ep. 3: Anne & the French Kiss, Looking back on The Mortal Instruments, Stacking the Shelves (16), Featurette! Adi Alsaid + Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless MindExquisite Captive Giveaway Relay, Sunday Flashback (7)BookBags (20): What’s in Liz’s Bag?Book Nerds Unite: A Sharing is Caring Giveaway

1 comment

  1. Cleaning ALWAYS makes me happy. It makes me feel all zen and orderly on the inside, not just on the outside. So I totally get where you're coming from! Also, your nephew is seriously adorable <3


with love,
