Rachel & Carina's Infinite Playlist (34)

RACHEL • "Brave" by Sara Bareilles
This wasn't the song I planned to pick for this week. But as I scrolled through my playlist, the word brave just popped out at me and it felt fitting for so many reasons. The main one is obvious - I moved out. I wasn't sure how I would handle coming home to an empty apartment and sleeping completely alone. I've always had someone down the hall  - whether it was my parents or college roommates way back when. So this was a new experience and I was a little scared beforehand. Turns out though.. I'm okay with it. I actually kinda love it! And now that I've crossed moving out off my list, I feel like I can continue to do all the other things I hoped to do this year. I feel a little braver as cheesy as it sounds. Hence, "Brave" being the perfect song for today.

CARINA • "At This Moment" By Billy Vera & The Beaters
I was sick a few weeks ago and decided to stay home from work. I realized, during my spare time, while in bed, I tend to watch a lot of YouTube videos. I usually get fixated on one theme/topic/type of song and watch hours and hours of videos pertaining to that one fixation. My fixation for that day were dance videos. I used to watch "So You Think You Can Dance" and there was this one contemporary / lyrical dance that I loved but I couldn't find. Fortunately, I landed on the video below - my new favorite SYTYCD performance featuring my song pick for this week. Enjoy!

If you like our music, you can subscribe to our playlist on Spotify which we'll update each week!


  1. Love Brave! It's the ultimate motivation song, and we could all use some motivation now and then :)

  2. I love that song by Sara Bareilles! It's one of those songs that's really just feel good, inspirational and totally empowering. Love it! Also, the second song is awesome. Never heard it before, but I like it!


with love,
