Reviews: Interlude + Love Songs & Other Lies

pub 2/13/18 by Sky Pony Press
Young Adult - Contemporary
Received copy from pub for review
Mia Cox has been waiting for her 18th birthday so she could donate her kidney to her younger sister Maddie. When she finds out she’s not a match and Maddie’s health deteriorates, she impulsively gets on plane to New York to find the mother that abandoned them and ask her to donate. That alone should tell you a lot about Mia and it’s exactly what endeared her to me. Is her plan crazy? Yes. But her absolute love and unwillingness to stop fighting for her sister is a beautiful thing. And it’s while on this flight she finds herself sitting next to Jaxton Scott, the lead singer of famous rock band. Except she doesn’t know that initially which leads to the funniest meet-cute. Similar to Mia, he’a running to NY but he’s in search of answers to whether he truly wants his rockstar life (oh man I love me a sweet but slightly brooding musician) and during the course of this flight, they talk for hours. I really enjoyed watching them open up to each other in this unexpected way. It’s cute and awkward and totally filled with tension. Then Jaxton offers to help her and again, it seems crazy but I (and Mia) definitely wanted him to join her. It’s certainly a wild ride as their feelings blossom, time races for Mia’s sister and she discovers how family means something different to everyone.

Do I recommend? I do! It’s a sweet and touching read. Of course things do happen a bit too quickly but I didn’t mind.

pub 4/24/18 by Tor Teen
Young Adult - Contemporary
Received copy from pub for review
I’m a sucker for YA contemporaries that feature music so it’s no surprise that I was drawn to Love Songs & Other Lies. It’s been two years since Virginia “Vee” Miller had her heart broken and she’s determined to make this summer memorable. Starting with joining her best friend’s band as an intern as they tour and compete in a battling bands reality show. I mean, what could go wrong? (Everything.) Cam, the guy who broke her heart, is back in the band and on tour with the guys and there’s no avoiding him when they’re all sharing a bus. She’s determined to avoid him and he’s just as determined to get her forgiveness. The book alternates between past (when they first met and fell in love) and present and between Vee and Cam’s point of view. It was good way to share their story and allow us to understand their history. But also frustrating because, why can’t people just communicate! But then there’d be no book. The songwriting and the way the author described their mutual joy of playing was undoubtedly my favorite part. The angst got a bit much at times and I didn’t fully connect to either character as much as I would’ve liked. But I rooted for them to find their way back to each other all the same.

Do I recommend? If you’re in the mood for a quick read that involves music and messy relationships, this is worth checking out. 

1 comment

  1. Love Songs and Other Lies was an adorable read! I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did, but I think the combination of a romance and music was too much for me to resist.


with love,
