Ian's first birthday
My nephew and godson Ian turned one years old and of course, we had to celebrate the occasion! I feel like every other week since his birth, my cousin-in-law and I would turn to each other and say how we couldn't believe how much he had grown. The entire year flew by and now he's this smiley, sometimes fussy, handsome little boy who loves to crawl, run around in his walker, and make the funniest faces. Even though I miss those early days when I could just hold him for hours, I'm excited to see him learn how to walk and talk and develop even more of a personality than he already has!
The party was Cocomelon-themed and my cousins did a great job with the decor. It was super simple and the whole party was pretty laidback since it was just our pod but it was perfect. We ate, sat around talking, played with bubbles (Ian looked so confused haha), and opened presents. I gave him a real child-sized piano and I hope he really plays it! Although, I wouldn't be surprised if his dad tinkers around with it more than he does.
Lydia's gender reveal party
This past Saturday, Carina and I drove (well technically her husband drove us!) down to South Jersey to go to Lydia's gender reveal party. Carina and I hadn't hung out with her since at least 2018 but one of the many things I love about our friendship is that no matter how much time has passed, we can just pick up right where we left off. And there was no way we would miss out on celebrating such a momentous time in our friend's life.
I had never attended a gender reveal party before but this one set the bar really high! It had one of the cutest and seriously uniquest themes ever, which was "mermaid or sailor"! If you were Team Girl/Mermaid, you were supposed to wear purple (my dress has purple flowers which isn't obvious in the photo) and if you were Team Boy/Sailor, you were supposed to wear blue. Then the moment of the reveal came where Lydia and her husband cut the cake while people around her let out confetti/powder at the same time and.. it's a girl! That was exactly what the parents-to-be were hoping for and my happiness for them just doubled seeing the joy on their faces. I'm so glad I got to be there to celebrate with them!
What have you been up to lately?