Friends with ARCs | Float Plan

Float Plan by Trish Doller
⭐⭐⭐ 3 stars | As a long time fan of Trish Doller, I was very excited for her adult debut with Float Plan. It follows Anna, who is grieving the death of her fiancé, when she impulsively decides to go on the sailing trip they had planned. In another words, just her and their sailboat making the voyage all alone. Only one night in proves to be pretty disastrous though and that's when she meets (and hires!) Keane, a professional sailor to help her out. He's also going through personal issues, and together not only do they find beauty and joy in this unexpected journey, but they also start to fall for each other. 

I thought the concept was great! Despite the circumstances of the trip, there was something romantic and freeing about this idea of just getting on your boat and sailing away to see the world. But that clearly came with its own set of issues. I thought Doller did a good job of balancing those two aspects. The descriptions of their destinations were vivid, as were the trials Anna and Keane faced navigating the sea and each other as two total strangers stuck on a boat together. But it lacked a certain emotion? I didn't connect to Anna's personal journey of grief or how she was piecing herself back together, although I certainly rooted for her. Even the romance, which had plenty of cute moments and made me swoon for Keane, also felt a bit lacking especially with the "conflict" towards the end and how it was resolved. 

I did like the book though, particularly for the travel aspects, and I do see this as a promising start of more adult books from this author. 

A trip you took with someone that will always be special? | This was a no-brainer for me but Paris with Alexa in 2019! It was my second time visiting Paris but is a completely different and far more special experience to see it with your best friend. The days we spent there were totally magical and I hope we can visit again together in the future. 

pub 3/2/21 by St. Martin's Griffin
Adult - Contemporary Romance
Received e-ARC from pub for review

Collaborative feature with Alexa. We read ARCs together and post our reviews on the same date.

1 comment

  1. We definitely had very similar feels about Float Plan! I thought it was a solid story overall, and I definitely enjoyed the travel aspect a ton. I would have liked to connect more with Anna though!


with love,
